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When Your Customer is Rushing You, Call Us to Get Your Custom Doors and Frames Fast

We know how it is sometimes. For whatever reason, you’ve got a contractor sitting on the jobsite with a crisis declaring an emergency on your end to get the materials there yesterday. Never mind why the materials aren’t there.

When deadlines are looming and fraying nerves ready to snap, reasons for the problem don’t matter, but you can rest assured it will be at the absolute worst possible time.

Three Reasons Why DefendDoor Stainless Steel Doors and Frames are Top Notch!

Whether you’re building your commercial or industrial property from the ground up, or just renovating, it’s crucial to settle for nothing less than the best materials. That’s why you should always insist on DefendDoor stainless steel doors and frames. DefendDoor products are manufactured to achieve a flawless appearance, and deliver outstanding performance and lasting value. And the good news is that they only look expensive!

TrustShield: Three Things You Need to Know

When it comes to radiation confinement, you can’t afford to take chances with the safety of patients and medical personnel. Routine exposure to even small amounts of radiation can lead to severe health problems, and keeping everyone protected is crucial. The lead-lined doors and frames that you install need to be durable, and they need to meet all of the industry-mandated requirements.