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The Only Place You Can Receive Quality Custom Doors and Speedy Delivery!

Commercial construction is one of the most competitive industries around, and the key to growing your business is having the ability to meet the demands of each job on time, and under budget. Doing the job quickly, and doing it right is the key to enjoying repeat and referral business, and your success depends on finding suppliers who can deliver the materials that you need, when you need them.

When Fast Isn’t Fast Enough, Call Us to Meet Your Deadline!

In construction, where the unexpected is as routine as 5 ‘o clock, uphill battles with delayed shipments are just another day at the office, and antacids are ordered by the truckload, there’s a big difference between waiting on a rush delivery and a rush delivery on your jobsite waiting on you. When it’s custom hollow metal doors you’re talking about, that’s the difference between National Custom Hollow Metal Doors and Frames (NCHM) and, well, everyone else.

Why You Should Choose TrustShield

In settings where protection from gamma ray or x-ray radiation is necessary, doorways have to serve a twofold purpose. They have to act as a barrier to radiation while providing access ways for personnel. And they have to be constructed in a way that ensures reliable protection and function for years on end.

When the specifications call for lead lined doors and frames, when people whose health and lives depend on appropriate radiation shielding built with uncompromising quality, the name to trust is TrustShield.

Save Space or Add Style With Pocket and Arched Door Frames!

There’s an old song that says “everything old is new again,” and nowhere is that more true than in the construction industry. Once mainstays of architecture, arched and pocket doors did a big disappearing act in the early part of the 20th Century, but have been staging a comeback in recent years for reasons both practical and aesthetic.