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You can always place your trust in TrustShield!

Nuclear medicine is an important diagnostic tool in the healthcare industry, and it enables physicians to perform thorough, noninvasive exams. It is also a very effective weapon in cancer treatment. X-Ray and Gamma ray imaging are generally safe for patients, but it can create long-term health risks for technicians who are exposed on a routine basis. That’s why it’s so important to make sure that they’re protected with proper radiation shielding.

Upgrading a restaurant or food processing plant? You can’t go wrong with Stainless Steel Doors and frames!

The commercial foodservice industry is one of the most competitive in the world, and the difference between success and failure is attention to detail. It starts with a great product that’s produced quickly and consistently. Developing branding is also important, because it inspires customer loyalty. Most importantly, it needs to be produced in an immaculately clean facility.

Ballistic Doors offer the ultimate in protection for your clients!

In spite of all of the technological and cultural progress that we’ve made as a society, one of our harshest realities is that there are far too many incidents involving seemingly normal individuals surprising everyone that they know with unexpected violent behavior. People of all ages, backgrounds, and nationalities have engaged in large scale criminal rampages, and the only thing that they really have in common is the element of surprise. These individuals also have the ability to hurt a lot of people before emergency responders arrive on the scene. In addition to the standard fire and tornado drills routinely performed at schools and government offices, lockdown procedure drills are also becoming increasingly common.