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Want to keep your employees and customers safe? NCHM offers ballistic doors!
It seems like hardly a week goes by without a news story about angry gunmen going on random shooting sprees. Their targets include schools, businesses, churches, and shopping centers, and they can frequently inflict large amounts of casualties long before the police have time to react. The only thing that the shooters seem to have in common is that they are all highly motivated, and the only thing that the victims have in common is that they never expected it to happen to them.
Want to lower your energy costs? NCHM offers Kerfed Door Frames Built to order!
People living in the southeast are no stranger to seasonal weather extremes. In fact, during certain times of year, people will often run both their heating and air conditioning on the same day. Unfortunately, what this means is high utility bills year-round. Improving the efficiency of your HVAC systems is a great way to keep your employees and customers comfortable, while also managing your energy costs.
Three great reasons to invest in DefendDoor Doors and Frames
Whether it’s new construction or renovation, you always owe it to yourself to insist on quality materials. If you settle for anything less than the best, people will be able to tell. You can also run the risk of encountering long term problems, even through routine usage.
Silence is golden, and our STC doors are a great way to reduce noise pollution in your workspace!
Excess noise can be a big problem, no matter where a business, school, or government office is located. External noise from traffic, trains, and aircraft can be overwhelming at times, and the employees and customers that occupy a building can make plenty of noise on their own. Some people are better than others at tuning out excess noise, but most people will agree that they’re much more productive in a quiet workspace.