National Custom Hollow Metal

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Random gun violence has run so rampant in America that not even a global health crisis has been able to stop it. The worst parts of Covid are now behind us, but now that people are returning to work we have to take another look at our emergency preparedness. The only thing that workplace violence victims seem to have in common is that none of them saw it coming. That’s where we come in!

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For the past year, the news has been full of stories about the Covid pandemic, and we all owe it to ourselves to stay current with all the regulations and recommendations. Unfortunately, airborne diseases are just one threat for us to consider as managers and business owners. People are frustrated and people are angry all around the world, and most people cope by venting on social media or by being distracted by other activities that they enjoy. But every now and then, some people respond by planning and carrying out a violent ambush. None of their victims ever see it coming, and it makes us all wonder how we would handle ourselves if tragedy strikes.

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