National Custom Hollow Metal

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Heightened cleanliness standards have been implemented throughout the world in response to our global health crisis. But it’s business as usual for the commercial food service industry and the healthcare industry. Bacteria and microorganisms are abundant in the air that we breathe, and they land on all of the surfaces where we prepare food and medical specimens. It’s always crucial for all of those surfaces to be properly sanitized and sterilized beforehand. It’s equally important to eliminate common hiding spaces for bacteria, such as the spaces around and underneath doors. Most cleaning and sterilization procedures involve a thorough cleaning of all surfaces, floors, and walls, but the top, bottom, and sides of the doors are more challenging.

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Homeowners and business owners are always at the mercy of the utility companies, and rate increases are the norm rather than the exception. Energy is now bought and sold on the open market as a commodity, and our rates go up constantly as a result of market conditions. The only alternative that we have to fight back is to find ways to reduce our energy consumption.

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