National Custom Hollow Metal

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The world has become a much noisier place, and we’re surrounded by distractions. The average city-dweller is pretty good at filtering out unimportant sounds over the course of a typical day, but most of us need peace and quiet as we rest and as we work. There’s nothing wrong with using a little background music to create some ambient sound, but there’s no volume knob or off switch for traffic noise and the sounds of lawnmowers outside. Fortunately, our team at National Custom Hollow Metal is here to help! We can build Sound Transmission Control (STC) doors to your exact specifications and ship them on your schedule.

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Despite our efforts to prevent it, the specter of gun violence continues to haunt businesses, schools, and government offices throughout the USA. Many incidents involve a disgruntled employee seeking revenge against a supervisor or other employees, but many of the attacks take place at locations that attackers seemingly choose at random. The only thing that all of these incidents seem to have in common is that they involve highly motivated individuals planning quick and violent ambushes that often claim dozens of victims in a matter of minutes (or even seconds).

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