National Custom Hollow Metal

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Energy consumption is a year-round concern for business owners. Fuel shortages throughout the world lead to consistent rate hikes, and the only way to fight back is to find ways to do more with less. The good news is that there are a lot of easy things you can do that won’t disrupt your operations. You can add timers and proximity sensors to turn off lights in unoccupied spaces, and modern thermostats offer zoned control for maximum efficiency. And inexpensive weather stripping can make a significant difference!

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We often hear about efforts to lessen the effects of air pollution and water pollution, but very little about controlling noise pollution. The highway department might install noise barriers near busy intersections and airports are usually built on the outskirts of cities, but that’s little help if your office is in a congested area or near train tracks. And let’s not forget that landscapers always seem to choose the times when you have an important meeting planned to operate their lawnmowers and leaf blowers!

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