National Custom Hollow Metal

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The fixed costs of operating a business continue to increase each year, and energy costs are no exception. The only way to lower your energy costs is to reduce your consumption, but that doesn’t mean you should sacrifice your employees’ comfort! You’ll want to ensure that your HVAC system is performing at maximum efficiency and find other ways to tighten your belt. A zoned comfort system is a good option for a large office campus, and proximity lighting makes a small but noticeable difference. The final step is reducing energy waste. You can save up to 10% on energy costs by installing weather stripping around your windows and doors!

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Most children are scolded by their parents for leaving the front door open too long and letting all the air conditioning out. Once we get old enough to pay the bills, it’s pretty easy to understand why our parents were so concerned. It’s an even bigger problem if you work in a large industrial or commercial environment. Utility costs are always on the rise, and drafty exterior doors can cost you a fortune. That’s where we come in! National Custom Hollow Metal is proud to manufacture two-part kerf frames with interchangeable weather-stripping, and we can build them to your exact specifications!

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