National Custom Hollow Metal

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Facilities like recording studios and musical venues are built with a variety of noise-cancelling qualities, to establish an effective environment for their work. They need to be able to keep outside noises out, and they also need to keep their own noises contained as a courtesy to their neighbors. But the truth is that most offices, schools, and hotels are highly vulnerable to “noise pollution,” both from exterior locations, and from the employees and customers that use the space.

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Over the past several years, the news has been filled with stories of armed gunmen attacking schools, government offices, shopping centers, and even movie theaters. These attacks are quick and unexpected, and have often resulted in mass casualties before police and other emergency personnel have had time to respond. Active shooter drills have now become as standard as fire and tornado drills for most schools and government offices, and all of us want to do whatever it takes to stay safe when disaster strikes.

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