National Custom Hollow Metal

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Whether you’re responsible for a hardworking team of dedicated employees or hundreds of children, keeping everyone safe is always your top priority. America leads the world in gun violence, and our headlines are full of tragic stories far too often. It’s terrifying to imagine that anyone would plan and carry out a violent ambush at your business or school, but the one thing that the victims all have in common is that they never saw it coming. But National Custom Hollow Metal proudly offers custom-built Safe Shot Level 3 Ballistic Doors and Frames, which can stop a .44 magnum round!

We’ve been manufacturing stainless steel doors and frames right here in the USA for over four decades, and we’re ready to give you a quote on ballistic doors. You can order Safe Shot ballistic doors in 304 or 316 stainless or A40 or A60 galvanneal steel in all standard sizes, and we can also build your doors in custom sizes ranging from 2’0” x 6’8” to 5’0” x 12’0.” Our 12 gauge stainless steel frames can be built to a maximum size of 10’0” x 12’0.” with lock sets, panic exits, strikes, and concealed hardware that meets UL 752 labeling requirements.

At NCHM, The Difference is Quality, and all of our products are custom-built to your specifications. Our stainless doors are corrosion-resistant and maintenance-free, and the only think you’ll ever have to do is wipe them down occasionally to maintain their factory-new appearance. They’re also very beautiful, and you won’t have to worry about your school or business looking like a prison on lockdown. Most importantly, you’ll be protected from any would-be assailants in the unlikely event of an attack. They can huff and puff all they want, but they won’t be able to get in. You can enjoy true peace of mind, and your ballistic doors offer maximum protection until the authorities arrive.

When you’re ready to receive a quote on Ballistic Doors, contact us online or call us at 800-334-3070. We offer industry-leading turnaround times on all orders and expedited shipping options for our distributors with rapidly approaching deadlines. You can also Email us at [email protected].