National Custom Hollow Metal

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Businesses in coastal areas are always on high alert during hurricane season! A large hurricane releases as much energy as ten atomic bombs a second and leaves devastation in its path for miles; it can also create flash floods and permanent water damage to buildings and structures. The good news is that National Custom Hollow Metal proudly offers custom-built Windstorm Hurricane Doors and frames that will help you weather any storm, and we can give you a quote in two hours or less!

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Managers and business owners are responsible for the safety, comfort, and well-being of their employees and customers, and it’s a bigger responsibility than most people realize. The most experienced leaders understand the importance of being prepared for emergencies, and many corporations have policies and procedures in place for every contingency. But there are few situations more frightening than the idea of an angry armed assailant planning and executing a quick and violent ambush, and many attacks are already over by the time first responders arrive. But National Custom Hollow Metal is proud to offer custom-built Safe Shot Level 3 Ballistic Doors and Frames, and they’re strong enough to stop a .44 magnum round!

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